"Knowing Your Company, Is Your Business"


A person cannot fully demonstrate their true potential and giftedness in a Work Environment if their Personal Values and Standards are Not being Fulfilled or Met”.

A Purpose Driven Approach

Getting to the Heart of Your Business

We help companies use technology that defines the focus for developing growth strategies for the needs of the workforce, that integrate and align Core Values with Company Purpose, Mission and Profitability.


Analyse multiple aspects of leadership to monitor and maintain standards that support efficiency and collaborative mindsets.

Working Cultures

Identify specific criteria that drives the efficiency of multiple working cultures that exist in  teams and departments across the company.


Speed decision-making through quick access to operational information that is fundamental to supporting employees duties.

Vision Alignment

Obtain clarity on how organisational challenges create Divergence, detracting from company Vision, Values Adherence and Direction.



Ensure Operations, Procedures & Systems, support employee duties

Recognize processes, procedures or conditions that create problems for other departments.
Determine how well New Initiatives improve productivity - by location.
Recognise multiple aspects that interfere with project success.
Know where resources are inadequate for workloads or experience is limited.


Be proactive in the management of conditions that create dissatisfaction

Know the extent of satisfied and dissatisfied employees in relation to their duties and why.
Identify those at a high risk of leaving, due to outgrowing their role & responsibilities.
Consolidated estimates of lost productivity due to disengagement.
Know where resources are inadequate for workloads or experience is limited.

Retention / Losses

Improve Personal Development Planning to retain staff

Understand what requires changing in order to keep start.
Identify when company cultures invade and contravene personal values and standards.
Choose an innovative way to reduce high staff turnover instead of just budgeting for it.
Obtain a deeper understanding of why staff resign or consider resignation as a last resort. 

Company Values &
Culture Alignment

Validate if the Company is 

"Walking the Talk". 

Send concise executive communication fostering improvement across all departments.
Know if the company Vision, Reputation  and Standards are being maintained. 
Identify alignment gaps between company core requirements and Employee Needs.
Identify specifically, company aspects that are creating divergence and dysfunction.

Learning &

Improve Personal Development Planning to retain staff

Ensure resource requirements are catered for to ensure delivery of outcomes.
Determine how effective Team Dynamics and Communications are by Department.
Identify those where wellbeing is being challenged.
Validate environmental or technical factors that help or hinder daily throughput.

& Leadership

Validate the effectiveness of 

Company Leadership

Identify where management need support without incrimination.
See clearly where the management & leadership styles are working and where they are not.
Build stronger manager - staff relationships with focused and supportive communication.
Ensure Management & Leadership behaviours support the Company Core Values.

Needs Analysis

Identify  requirements  

for meeting KPI's

Know the challenges individuals face  (outside of their control) that hinder meeting KPI's.
Clearly recognise the links between multiple dissatisfactions and KPI achievement.
Identify well before performance reviews opportunities to help employees meet KPI's.  
Improve support for employees in meeting their KPIS's and build stronger & loyal relationships.

Coaching &


Leadership Development

Prepare and develop internal Career Plans by Knowing what personnel are seeking.
Identify where leadership skills require strengthening.
Ensure greater levels of responsibility and accountability are consistently demonstrated. 
Help develop and groom management competencies to executive levels. 

Team / Department

Develop effective working cultures  

- naturally

Identify the most cohesive and effective  departments in the company.
Knowing where  efficiency and cohesion flourish, provides opportunity to replicate.
Provide the essentials that employees need to bring out their best - naturally and voluntarily.
Teams seek different things to be unified and Managers need to know what they are.

“The CPA application has made it possible to efficiently and with minimal effort, identify organisational strengths, concerns, levels of motivation and weaknesses across the company. It produces immediate and valuable data that provides our senior managers down to the supervisor, information that clearly shows leaders, what they need to know about their respective teams and organization.

With the help of the CPA, identifying and understanding the cause is already fixing 50% of the problem. Our company is glad to have been introduced to this very efficient application.”

Michael Sales - CEO Table Time

With Your Company or Clients In Mind.

The CPA is built to increase agility by quickly identifying clients operational challenges across multiple Business Elements that are or could increase risk and hamper progress.

We understand the complexities of aligning a company workforce with company direction and the importance of knowing priorities, so the system is designed to clear the way for decision-making.

Regardless of industry, Management has dynamic and direct access to core information which clearly shows what is working well and what aspects require attention.

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TEL: +61 (0)413 292 825

Pulse Analysis Brochure:

for Companies 

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Welcome to Company & Culture Risk Analysis (CRA)

The CRA is based upon the Premise which is:

" A person cannot demonstrate their true potential and giftedness in a working environment, if their personal standards and values are not being met or fulfilled."

"The CRA is a powerful Management Tool that allows the Identification and Quantitative measurement of Risk and Problematic Aspects of an organisation. 

Critical Aspects Essential to the Running of the Company are Selected for Measurement

(CRA Risk is anything that impacts the company from an Operational, Financial or Legal aspect.) 

Any aspect of the business can be assessed and measured to determine:

What Kind of Problem Exists

Where in the Company It Exists

Why it Exists

- To What Extent it Exists

- And the Potential Financial Exposure to the Company

This provides valuable, meaningful and focused data to Senior and Middle Management to bring awareness and speed the Risk Mitigation processes.


JOB / ROLE: - Benefits

Keeping Your Staff is a Better Proposition 

-  Know the extent of satisfied and dissatisfied employees in relation to their work duties.
-  Identify those at a high risk of leaving, due to outgrowing their role & responsibilities. 
-  Financial estimates of budgetary requirements to replace and retrain staff losses.
-  Determine the potential losses across all or selected locations in the company.
-  Estimates of lost productivity due to dissatisfaction and/or poor attitudes.
-  Identify the causes of job related Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction (Individuals or Teams)



Ensuring Operations, Procedures & Systems
Support Employees Duties

The internal operations require many processes to ensure information is received when it is needed, however this information flow is often disrupted due to poor and inefficient processes and procedures causing delays. Knowing what supports or inhibits employees from performing their duties and why can save substantial amounts of time and money. 

The CPA shows:

If processes & procedures are effective in supporting the performing of employees duties.
Recognition of processes that create problems for other departments or dependent tasks.
Determine if New Initiatives are being well received and enhance performance and productivity.
Recognise multiple aspects that interfere with project operations.
Know where essential operational tools are required. 
If employees KPI’s are being hindered by operational inefficiencies.
The eNPS scores for Systems, Operations and Procedures being utilised.


The Ideals and Aspirations of the Company

& Walking the Talk.

-  Know if the company Vision and Standards are being Undermined.
-  Identify alignment gaps between company core Requirements and employee Needs.
-  Shows what company aspects are impacting achieving the Company Vision.
-  Shows if Leadership Behaviours adhere to and are aligned with achieving CCV's
-  Identify locations where CCV’s are at Risk.



Helping Managers Lead Remote Workers and Virtual Teams

In Isolation, yet still being part of the company.

-  Support teams or departments even though they work remotely or are office based
-  Ensure resource requirements are catered for.
-  Identify those where wellbeing is being challenged.
-  Determine how effective Team Dynamics are by Department
-  Validate environmental factors that help or hinder daily throughput.
-  Identify the extent of technical issues i.e. equipment and internet.



Combining the Power of Diversity & Inclusion)


Knowing the extent to which the company is open to taking advantage of the talent, experience, perspectives, innovation and creativity offered by a diverse range of people can be a great asset.

-  The CRA allows for defined focus on key aspects of Diversity that support any internal compliance standards and Values.


Although there may be a diverse representation within the workforce, but to what extent are personnel allowed to express and contribute by being included?

How do members of the workforce feel towards being able to demonstrate their natural talents through full participation and offer their perspectives, expertise and knowledge?

-  Quickly see how aligned Diversity & Inclusion is with Company Core Values &                        Standards.

-  Monitor & Manage Inclusion to avoid rendering Diversity to ineffective levels. 



Reduce Litigation Costs

-  Offer provisions for Workforce Wellbeing through Our Employee Support package.

-  Ensure Legislative Compliance Key Indicator requirements are aligned and met within      Operational standards.  
-  Options to customise Review Types to align with Key Compliance Indicators.

-  Monitor and ensure policy adherence across multiple areas e.g.

            - Leadership

            - Risk Assessment

            - Policies and Procedures 

            - Training and Communication 

            - Oversight and Reporting



Developing High Performing Teams

-  Quickly and easily identify what drives Team Effectiveness.
-  See clearly where issues with interrelationships and the capacity to work together and      maintain throughput are being affected.

-  Establish a source of work context criteria and correlate so they can be used to                    replicate in other less functional teams.
-  Identify where acknowledgment and reward are to be offered to maintain their                      commitment.
-  Quickly determine where changes in a team influence the dynamics and are working,          or may be creating divergence.



Tougher legislation is compelling organisations to be more accountable for their Actions, Decision-making, Operational Procedures and their support for workforce wellbeing. 

Options to customise Review Types to monitor potential risk against Key Compliance Indicators:

             -  Leadership. ...
             -  Risk Assessment
             -  Policies and Procedures
             -  Training and Communication
             -  Oversight and Reporting



Retaining Staff is a Far Better Proposition:


Finding experienced personnel is an ever growing problem. With the the ITA Module of the CRA it helps organisations fill positions internally (and externally),  through greater awareness of employee skills and strengths and the monitoring of satisfaction levels. 

It quickly shows:

   - The alignment of candidates skills and strengths against strengths required for vacancies

   - Those who have outgrown their current role and are dissatisfied.

   - Why they are dissatisfied and the potential risk of losing them.

Management showing interest in their employees growth, development, goals and aspirations have a greater chance of keeping them and avoiding the costly and disruptive  replacement process.  



Real-Time Risk Reporting and Measurement for Board and Senior Directors that allows focused and faster decision-making.

The advent of the  Corporate Accountability Act in 2019 demonstrates that "Ignorance of the Fact" or "Not Knowing" is no longer acceptable.  Good Leaders and Managers (in general) Do Know what's going on because they make it their business to know and are prepared to take action to mitigate risk situations and circumstances.

The CRA allows the bypassing of the often time consuming hierarchal flow of requested information, by allowing direct access to any part of the company and see risks that exist or are in the process of developing, real-time. 

Meaningful information is presented to bring Risk Culture and the implications of inaction, into the Board Room.



Having transparency at all levels by knowing what, where, the extent and why any dissatisfaction and risk is developing or occurring anywhere in the company, means that a focused approach to monitoring and maintaining motivation and performance can be more easily introduced. 

When the general workforce see  "being accountable" in action,  it helps develop confidence and bridges the gap between the 'Us' and 'Them' that so often exists.

The CRA results themselves, will justify the importance of having high levels of transparency. 

All personnel are accountable for their levels of responsibility and this includes the more senior members of the "Corporate Cultures" that exist and which are normally hidden from the general workforce.  



There is a common saying in business, which states, "there are no friends in business".  However in business there are many strong friendships created due to professionalism, integrity and other positive defining characteristics of how people conduct themselves. 

The capacity to know your 'station', yet have the capacity to express viewpoints without retribution, adds to the development of strong and trusting work cultures.

Professionalism in how work duties and responsibilities are carried out, lays foundations for the development of trust and commitment common goals. 

CRA brings definitive awareness of key factors and characteristic patterns, that enhance or inhibit professional relationships that directly impact staff engagement and motivation towards common goals. 

Historical monitoring can lay a foundation for developing internally, Executive and Management potential.




Walking the Talk!

Company Values are intended to be the "compass" and corner stones of the company as it navigates its chartered course towards achieving its ultimate goal - The  VISION. 

The CPA measures the relationship between Company Values and the Workforce Values and offers data that determine if there is Divergence or Convergence regarding company direction. The Analysis reporting shows:

If the company Vision and Standards are being Undermined and to what extent
What part of the organisation Alignment gaps between Company Core Value Requirements
The company extent of those not aligned and  by department
What Business Elements are supporting achieving the Company Vision
If Leadership Behaviours adhere to and are aligned with achieving Core Values
Exactly why there are alignment issues and what requires to change to improve. 


Understanding the Workforce Motivations



The role of leadership is very difficult and time consuming where personnel have lost the motivation to commit. Company objectives mean little and are not of interest  to disengaged employees. 

Something deeper is required to be addressed, and coercive approaches are very short term motivators (although needed at times). 

All personnel require specific things in order to maintain motivation and a sense of purpose and achievement. 

In the majority of cases it does not take much, to return a sense of work related purpose and improve the motivation, but it requires recognition and awareness of the conditions or circumstances that are fuelling the lack of commitment and how widespread the conditions or circumstances are.

Leaders can easily identify the motivational requirements needed for any member, team or group, from any part of the company and help maintain their sense of purpose, so they can continue to give their best.



All of management are human too! Pressure and stress does not discriminate.

With the changes that companies and corporations are undergoing, particularly with experienced employees being so transient, good leadership and employee relationships are paramount,


The CPA offers analysis across All Management, providing: 

-  Where management excellence is being showcased

-  Leadership styles that are self-evident and require intervention to correct

-  Specific aspects of leaders behaviours to encourage role modelling or up-skilling 

-  The interpersonal skills possessed by individuals for executive leadership development

-  The skillsets exhibited in their respective areas of responsibility

-  The influence of management styles on staff achieving key performance indicators (KPIs)

-  The potential financial consequences of productivity decline due to poor leadership.

-  Historical comparisons of management styles

-  Needs for further Learning & Development to align with Core Values

-  ...



Companies Invest vast amounts of money on training personnel. Generally speaking, technical and mechanical skills based training can achieve a faster return on investments due to the more tangible nature of the training subject. It can be  easier to implement and introduce the benefits accordingly - it does of course depend upon any 'Standards' that may be required to be adjusted. 

Soft Skills, on the other-hand, (which in fact can be very hard) are far more difficult to implement due to numerous fluid and variable factors that can influence a human being - for the better and for the worse.  

The message here is, that investment in soft skills learning & development is not always clear cut. 

Either way when causal factors are clear L & D can apply resource to specific trainings  in specific areas of the business that actually need it and and ensure better resource utilisation. 

This improves a better ROI on  L & D investments.



Quickly identify risk associated with staff disengagement and the financial exposure of losing staff members. Personnel leave for a reason, so know before they go - Exit interviews are too little too late. 

It's common knowledge that disengaged and dissatisfied personnel are an enormous cost to a company. If they leave the replacement costs, cost the company even more.

The CRA identifies those at risk and provides an opportunity for employees to voice their concerns without fear of retribution, before it becomes unresolvable. 

The company and the employee have a greater chance of solving the situation(s) and returning the employee to an engaged status. 



Aligning Systems and Duties

Organisations investments in technology and manual systems are impressive and they endeavour to improve work flow and aid in the performing of personnel's duties.  

Knowing to what extent the alignment between systems used, duties performed and results produced can ensure that anticipated benefits are being achieved and effectiveness is maintained. 

Not all departments use a system to it's fullest potential and operational procedures can be convoluted and complex rendering them inefficient. 

The CRA allows systems and procedures to be assessed to determine efficiencies and shortfalls and to what extent users are happy with the process, procedures or the technology in relation to their specific duties.  

This allows monitoring to fine tune and improve upon departmental operations and throughput. 



Virtual & Remote Teams and Workers require a different approach and focus.

Currently for many managers the COVID 19 situation has been 'New Territory' and a little unsettling, especially if they have come through the ranks in the office environment. How do you manage someone who is not there??

Remote workers are often required to await input from other sources, deliverables from other processes and essential information from departments, in order to  complete their tasks and deliver their output, as part of the service/operational flow. 

Where there are delays that disrupts output performance and potentially affects Personal KPI's.

The CRA offers Management the capacity to focus on all their reports and address key information and deliverables flow issues to determine if it's an isolated or a common problem across the team or department. 

The simple feedback reporting process provides for specific and faster risk mitigation to help Remote or Virtual workers maintain their work throughput. 


Origins of the Culture Risk Analysis

The CRA is a product of having spent 25+ years working in the corporate sector consulting and conducting workshops for major organisations locally and internationally. 

This background coupled with previous years as an IT and Business consultant and studies in Organisational Behaviour, Abnormal Psychology and Psychotherapy, provided golden opportunities to work with the some of the worlds largest organisations.

A small example include: 

IBM: For 5 years on IBM's World Wide Project management initiative facilitating Project Leadership and Advanced Leadership workshops.

Fletcher Challenge: 10 years delivering Leadership and Behaviour based workshops, Fatigue Countermeasures and Emotional Energy Management Workshop

Hewlett Packard:  4 years with Hewlett Packards delivering Leadership and Project Management Fundamentals and accepted multiple invitations to deliver training at their annual Project Management University gatherings. 

Singapore Airlines: 3 years facilitating Team Dynamics and Work Culture based workshops. 

Shell Oil:  4 years delivering Project Leadership and Emotional Energy Management (Working in High Pressured Environments) workshops Leadership and Cultural change across Sth. East Asia.  (For more see

This international exposure enabled closer inspection of how working cultures developed and how management - employee relationships differ country to country, yet have commonality. 



Every Group of Workers will Define their own Working Culture

People join a company for “Gainful” employment. It’s a Self-Oriented decision - its about them and them gaining something. When they see they can no longer gain, they leave or become part of the "Disengaged" group, unless they can be offered the opportunity to keep growing.  

The CPA provides the company, opportunity to easily identify what they are seeking to further themselves and keep them engaged. The system shows:

3 Levels of staff disengagement and the potential cost in lost productivity
Where there are healthy cultures and why
Job satisfaction levels for any department or team
Why there is dissatisfaction, what is causing it and where in the company 
The risk levels of staff leaving the company and estimated costs 
What staff personal strengths are to align for available positions
How any department is impacting the achievement of company goals and objectives.
Where in the company, Core Values are not being adhered to
and more...

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Tel: +61 (0)413 292 825


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3 Fundamental Principles

Key Questions:

FUNCTIONALITY: “The quality of being suited to serve a purpose well.”

• Is what we are doing achieving our goals and aspirations to the best of our ability?
• Is what we are doing serving us as a company given what we wish to achieve?
• Is every manager and employee functioning efficiently and engaged in their duties?

SUSTAINABILITY: “The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.”

• Is what we are doing sustaining, self-correcting and self-perpetuating?
• Is the cost of how we are operating sustainable?
• Is how we work together, synergistic and supports our sustainability?

ADAPTABILITY: “The quality of being able to adjust to new conditions.”

• Is the way we are conducting businesses in line with current trends and markets?
• How prepared are we for instigating new ideas and change when needed?
• How set in our ways are we in keeping the status quo?
• Are we monitoring for the need to maintain Functionality?



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Getting to Know Your Leaders.

How good are your Leaders?

Quickly determine how good leaders across the company engage their staff and  offer      opportunity as role models. 

-  Identify leadership styles that unsettle and create uncertainty.

-  Highlight candidates for an executive ‘Pipeline’ to further their professional                          development.

-  See how well leaders comply with and align with Company Core Values.

-  Ensure leader responsibilities are maintained at every level of management.

-  Offers a focused and relevant Platform for communication with Staff.


MOTIVATION: - Benefits

Strengthening Staff Relationships

-  Awareness of the personal Motivational needs of every Department & Employee.
-  Identifies exactly what undermines employee motivation (Individually or Group)
-  Offers a platform for Managers to improve Team Communication and Trust.
-  Identifies leadership strengths for furthering internal career paths.
-  Clearly identifies the extent of those at Risk of Leaving.
-  Offers the rationale for pre-emptive action to Retain Talent.
-  Estimates the Cost of Lost Productivity due to Levels of Disengagement.



Every team or department through the working interrelationships, form their own unique working culture. 

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